“Whoso” in Proverbs: Part 8

“Whoso” in Proverbs: Part 8

We continue our look at the “whoso” passages found in the book of Proverbs. As noted previously, the word “whoso” appears 27 times in Proverbs, which is half of all its appearances in Scripture (KJV).

Solomon revealed, “Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain” (Prov. 25:14). This statement can be understood of either or both, one who boasts of a gift he never received and, one who boasts of a gift he never gave. Either is said to be as the promise of clouds that bring no rain (cf. Jude 12). Where we lived in Tanzania, there were basically two seasons: dry and rainy. It was always a source of amazement to me to hear the Tanzanians talk about the approaching rains. Prior to the arrival of the rainy season there would be huge clouds in the distance, rumbling thunder that could be felt, and winds that would pick up quickly and blow sometimes violently. Whenever I would say to one of the Tanzanians, “Mvua nyingi?” (Much rain?), he would answer, “No.” Invariably, as I watched for and anticipated the inevitable rain that would come, it would not. Just as the friend had said, the clouds and wind failed to provide the rain, which such clouds and wind a little later would certainly bring. They knew this, of course, because of what the patterns of previous years had taught them. But, it was a source of wonder to me.

Following Solomon’s reasoning we can completely understand that one who “boasteth himself of a false gift”:

1) Deceives– He makes a pretense of delivering that which he has no intention of providing. Imagine such a promise to a child during the recent gift-giving season. What a deception to promise an expectant child a much-desired gift, and then not provide it! So it is with the one who makes promises, but does not keep them (cf. Neh. 5:11-13; Eccl. 5:4).

2) Disappoints– Again, imagine the disappointment of a child promised a gift that was not given. Even so, God is disappointed with us when we promise Him our allegiance and fail to follow through (cf. Mal. 1:14; Rom. 12:1, 2).

3) Damages– He damages his potential influence upon others (cf. Mt. 5:13-16; I Cor. 15:58; I Tim. 4:12). He also damages his reputation (cf. Prov. 22:1; Eccl. 7:1). Such damage can be irreversible.



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