“Whoso” in Proverbs: Part 6

“Whoso” in Proverbs: Part 6

We continue in our study of the word “whoso” from the book of Proverbs. As noted previously, the word is found 27 times in the book (KJV). This accounts for exactly one-half of the times that the word is found throughout the Bible. We continue with a look at another of these instances.

Solomon stated, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD” (Prov. 18:22). As with all other proverbial statements, this one, too, does not come unconditionally or without exception (as is the case with Hebrews 13:4). Not every man who obtains a wife obtains one who is “good.” Biblical examples such as Jezebel (I Kgs. 16:31; 18:4) and the woman of Timnath (Judges 14) serve to demonstrate this truth. As with these two, the one who takes such a wife is not likely to receive the Lord’s favor. Hence, merely “finding a wife” will neither guarantee that she will be “good” or that God’s favor is obtained in such.

In obtaining a wife (and through marriage to her, obtaining the favor of God) a man must first insure that she is eligible for marriage. There are three possibilities in this regard: 1) One who has never been married (Gen. 2:18; I Cor. 7:2; Heb. 13:4); 2) one whose spouse has died (Rom. 7:1-3); 3) the innocent party of a previous adulterous marriage (Mt. 5:32; 19:9). Both parties in a marriage must thus be eligible in order for the marriage to be approved of by God, honorable in His sight, and favorable to Him.

Additionally, one should seek a spouse who will help him in his efforts to live a faithful Christian life and go to heaven for eternity (and this would, of course, apply to a woman seeking a husband as well). Above all other factors, it is in this one that the “favor of the Lord” is especially obtained. The “virtuous woman” of Proverbs 31:10-31 demonstrates the kind of attributes that characterize such a wife. (Note also Ephesians 5:20-33 for other particulars for both husbands and wives.) Indeed, blessed greatly is the man who can find such a woman. “Whoso” does so shall indeed find “a good thing” and “obtaineth favour of the LORD.”



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